API Boilerplate in Restify and CoffeeScript Cover

API Boilerplate in Restify and CoffeeScript

I was going to develop an API in CoffeeScript and Restify the other day, when I realised there was no boilerplate for it anywhere I looked.

Although there are many templates out there (1, 2), these are typically built on Express and/or pure JavaScript.

I prefer Restify over Express however, as this framework is specialised in building API services. Furthermore I love CoffeeScript because it just makes me more productive.

Without further ado, the new boilerplate is available below.

Grab the Code


API Boilerplate in Restify and CoffeeScript


  • Built on Restify and CoffeeScript
  • Clean separation of features
  • API is documented with API Blueprint
  • Input validation
  • Unit and end-to-end testing
  • Logging and exception handling
  • Heroku ready

Pull Requests are Welcome

Not in the Urban Dictionary way

Image courtesy of Boemski


Gabor Szathmari is a cybersecurity expert and digital privacy enthusiast. In his professional life, Gabor helps businesses, including many small and mid-size legal practices, with their cybersecurity challenges at Iron Bastion.