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Tag: api
API Boilerplate in Restify and CoffeeScript
A boilerplate for building API services in Restify, CoffeeScript for Node.js.
It is fully documented and Heroku ready. Also features basic security features such as exception handling and input validation.
Session IDs as Query Parameters Must Die
Purge those nasty JSESSIONID and PHPSESSID parameters from the URL bar. Now. Sensitive data in GET parameters are bad. Even over HTTPS.
Check out this session ID killer proxy built on nginx, that converts these sensitive query parameters into safe and secure cookies.
Sun Tzu as a Service
Do you regularly cite The Art of War from Sun Tzu in your cyber security reports? Have you run out of relevant quotes? Today we are proudly announcing our API. It provides an endless feed of bogus, auto-generated quotes from this masterpiece.