Paris Hilton enjoying The Art of War

Sun Tzu as a Service

Do you regularly cite The Art of War from Sun Tzu in your cyber security reports? Have you run out of relevant quotes?

Today we are proudly announcing our API. It provides an endless feed of bogus, auto-generated quotes from this masterpiece.

‘The Art of War’ Quote Generator

The generator is based on Markov-chains, and the corpus is based – of course – on The Art of War. Our algorithm carefully analyses the likeliness of certain words being adjacent to each other, and spawns (potentially) thoughtful sentences based on these probabilities.

Fake Quotes as a Service (FQaaS)

To enable developers using this brand new platform, we are providing a REST API for the masses. Get a random quote with this simple GET request from a web browser or your backend application:

$ curl

For the full documentation of the API, jump to the repository on Github.


Concerned about security in your enterprise environment? Why not host the application on your own! Feel free to download the source code and give it a spin in your own datacentre.

Artistic impression of Sun Tzu as a Hipster

Early Birds

The first application utilizing this brand new platform is a simple tweetbot. The robot, which was written in Node, queries the API for the latest wisecracks on a regular basis, then posts them on Twitter.

Follow @FakeArtofWar the latest thoughts, or have a look on the source code.


suntzu-generator on Github

suntzu-tweetbot on Github


What is your application idea? Drop a comment and let the world know!


Gabor Szathmari is a cybersecurity expert and digital privacy enthusiast. In his professional life, Gabor helps businesses, including many small and mid-size legal practices, with their cybersecurity challenges at Iron Bastion.